Sleuth Work on Dr. Dawn Hughes's Testimony
(c) Copyright 2022, By Austin "Sherlock" Brookner. All Rights Reserved.
I investigated the document marked “Intimate Relationships” of Dawn Hughes’s testimony in the Depp vs. Heard defamation trial.
She said the vertical line in the middle was “a line differentiating another part of this document.” If you will notice there is another vertical line on the far right of the page and to the left of the words: “dated after Johnny.” Also, every relationship is listed in chronological order of when they occurred. She starting writing from the left, top to bottom, and then over to the right with James Franco in Dec 2015 followed by Elon Musk in 2016.
Is it possible she was simply writing down all of Heard’s relationships in chronological order? Then she ran out of room at the bottom of her page on the left (where she started) and made a vertical line to organize her page with a new column. Afterwards, she continued writing the remaining intimate relationships of James Franco and Elon Musk. Next, she drew another vertical line when she ran out of room under Elon Musk to once again organize the page and make room to write the words “dated after Johnny.”
The vertical line next to “dated after Johnny” was the clue that indicated to me she might just makes vertical lines when she runs out of room on the bottom of the page. Also, the clue was that everything is written in chronological order. Therefore, perhaps the lines are not used to differentiate another part of the document. The lines are columns when she runs out of room on the bottom of the page. At least that is a theory.
What bothered me however was why there was a gap in between the vertical lines of the James Franco and Elon Musk entries. I figure the explanation could be that she began with a small vertical column next to J.F. not knowing if she would be using the entire rest of the page. As she continued writing the Elon Musk entry down the page and to the bottom of the paper, she then went back and made a second vertical line to organize the rest of the filled in page.
As one would do with a second line strike, she would not have cared if it didn’t connect neatly with the first vertical line strike next to J.F. but rather be satisfied having a small gap of space to sufficiently suggest a second column. That also explains why the second vertical line begins haphazardly in the middle of the J.F. entry.
But here’s the kicker. Why would the words “dated after Johnny” be possibly written after the words “ended in March 2018” and thus requiring a second vertical line and a small third column? She had already covered the Elon Musk relationship. They met in at the Met Ball in May 2016 and it ended in March 2018. That should be the end, right? Perhaps that’s just the order in which the information was told to her. Or perhaps the words “dated after Johnny” was an addendum after writing about Elon to make it look like it wasn’t an extramarital affair.